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September Welcoming Week

It is often said that the United States is a nation of newcomers. Typically characterized as individuals born in another country, millions of newcomers (also known as immigrants) have settled in the U.S. over the last several hundred years. Newcomers come to the U.S. for various reasons, including students, permanent residents, temporary workers and refugees. While collectively, all newcomers share the common bond of being born outside of the U.S., as individuals their goals, wants and needs are diverse.

Welcoming Week, September 13-22, celebrates the growing movement of communities that fully embrace newcomer immigrants and their contributions to the social fabric of our country. Ys across the country are planning events to help immigrant and U.S.-born neighbors connect and celebrate what unites us as a community.

Our branches have planned Welcoming Week activities for all members. Stop by your branch and join us in celebrating our diversity through a wide variety of activities.