Healthy spirit, mind and body.
It's so much more than just working out. We know that healthy lifestyles are achieved through nurturing spirit, mind, body, well-being, and fitness. In addition to our physical fitness classes and activities, we provide educational programs to promote healthier lifestyle decisions, and we offer a variety of wellness programs that support physical, intellectual, and spiritual strength.
Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program
Participants work with trained Healthy Heart Ambassadors for the duration of this evidence-based program.
Active Older Adults
Active Older Adults programs include water exercise, yoga and stretching classes and walking clubs. Many of our YMCAs also offer socialization opportunities such as book club, bus tours, and lunch club.
Diabetes Prevention Program
In the YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program, a trained lifestyle coach will introduce topics in a small classroom setting and encourage participants as they explore how healthy eating, physical activity and behavior changes can benefit their health.
LiveSTRONG at the YMCA: A Cancer Survivor's Program
LiveSTRONG at the YMCA focuses on you – the whole person – not the disease. The FREE, 12-week program meets twice a week for 90 minutes. Traditional exercise methods ease you back into fitness and help you maintain a healthy weight. Classes are taught by certified cancer exercise specialists.
The Real You Weight Loss Program®
The Real You Weight Loss Program guides participants to achieve their individual wellness, nutrition, and physical activity goals for a healthier lifestyle.