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Reach Your Fitness Goals 

Our Y offers personal, partner, and small group training to help you set and meet your personal fitness goals. Whether you're new to the gym and seeking extra guidance, a triathlete needing support training for a big race, wanting to break out of a fitness plateau, or looking to enhance your functional fitness for everyday life, our trainers will help you reach your goals in a way that works best for you.

Private Personal Training

A personal trainer guides a woman doing sit ups
  • Available in 30 minute and 1-hour options.

  • Individual, customized sessions with a personal trainer.

  • Get a tailored plan to stay motivated and reach your fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals.

  • Fully customizable schedule for how often and how long you work together.

Partner Personal Training

  • Join up with a friend and work with personal trainer together.

  • Best for friends with similar goals, exercise interests and fitness levels.

  • Get a tailored plan to stay motivated and reach your shared fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals.

  • Fully customizable schedule for how often and how long you work together.

Small Group Personal Training

fellas leaning on a wall
  • Meet in a small group (3–6 people) to provide fitness in a fun, interactive setting.

  • Offers members the flexibility and challenge of customized training with a group of friends.

Why Personal Training

A personal trainer will help you set realistic and attainable goals, form good habits, keep you accountable, and encourage you to find joy in exercise.

View our Personal Training brochure for more information.

Personal Training Brochure

Accountability & Support

Personal trainers are your partner in motivation and commitment to reaching your health and fitness goals. They bring positive encouragement, accountability, and support to every session.

Goal Progression

Personal trainers customize and map out a plan to reach your fitness and health goals. They identify short and long-term goals and help you track and measure your progress each session. 

Overcome Plateaus

Personal trainers integrate variety into your sessions to avoid training plateaus and to keep exercise fun. They are experts in problem-solving road blocks and getting you back on track!

Variety & Fun

Personal trainers customize training plans that keep you engaged, inspired, and having fun! They introduce fresh workouts and techniques, and offer alternatives along the way.

What are the benefits of working with a personal trainer? add remove

Most of us know we need to exercise more, but don't know where to start, what to do, or how much/how often to do it. The benefits depend on your particular needs and goals. Personal trainers assess their clients and make a customized, progressive exercise plan. For experienced exercisers, personal trainers can assist clients in breaking through plateaus or boredom by selecting exercises that will continue to challenge the body in new ways.

Can I request a personal trainer? add remove

Yes, if that particular trainer has time available during your desired workout time.

What can I expect in an average session? add remove

The first session will focus on health history, physical assessments, and discussion around goals and interests. The following sessions will focus on an exercise routine that facilitates progression toward your goals.

Will my personal trainer work with pre-existing injuries or conditions? add remove

Yes. At the first session, any pre-existing injuries should be discussed with the personal trainer so he or she can modify an exercise routine to best address that issue. If the injury or condition is something that would jeopardize your safety while exercising, a medical clearance may be requested from your physician.

How do I sign up? add remove

You can purchase personal training above or fill out a Personal Training Request form at your local Y. The staff will pass on the request to the appropriate personal trainer, who will call you to schedule your first appointment. Personal training fees must be paid prior to the first appointment.

What happens after I sign up? add remove

After you purchase personal training, our team will be in touch to set a day and time that works with you and/or your partner's schedule.



As you begin your wellness journey with the YMCA, it is our goal to understand your personal needs so you can meet your health and fitness goals. SMART Start is a free 30–60-minute session with one of our wellness experts who will discuss the best path for you. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about group exercise classes, equipment, and recommendations for using the wellness center equipment. You'll also get an introduction into personal training and so much more.

About Y Personal Trainers 

Our personal trainers all maintain personal training certifications through at least one NCCA-accredited national health and fitness organization. In addition to national certifications, many trainers have special areas of expertise—like Barre, Kettlebells and Pilates Reformer—that require additional (and often intensive) training.

Benefits of Personal Training 

It can be hard to figure out your own fitness training, especially if you’re new to working out. A personal trainer takes the guesswork out of things, helping you plan and stay on track. Here’s how a personal trainer can help you reach your fitness goals.

  • Accountability & Support: They help keep you accountable and offer positive encouragement and support.
  • Goal Progression: A trainer can help you identify goals, map out a plan, and track and measure progress.
  • Education: They will educate you on proper form and other aspects of health and fitness.
  • Variety: Things stay fresh and fun with the customized workout plans a trainer can create. 

Ready to Get Started with Personal Training? 

If you’re ready to get started on your fitness journey or level up your workout routine, sign up with one of our nationally certified personal trainers today. Still have questions? Speak to a representative at your local branch.

 Sign Up Now

Print and complete these forms before your first session, if possible.

Member Agreement   PAR Questionnaire   Health History Questionnaire   Informed Consent