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2024 Founder's Award

The YMCA of Greater Cleveland presented Cleveland State University with its Founder’s Award at its annual Founder’s Day event on June 6. This award is given to individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the YMCA.

Since its founding 170 years ago, the YMCA of Greater Cleveland has been committed to building strong communities, including educating residents, immigrants and those in need of a second chance. Its educational initiatives were comprehensive, covering a wide range of subjects including reading, writing, arithmetic, and specialized trades. By providing accessible education, the Cleveland Y played a crucial role in empowering individuals, promoting social mobility, and contributing to the economic growth of the city during the 19th century to the present day.

Sereno Peck Fenn was a pivotal figure in this mission. As a successful businessman and philanthropist, he recognized the transformative power of education and dedicated significant resources to support it. Fenn served as the board chair of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland for over 30 years, advocating for evening and vocational classes to help working adults pursue education. His efforts led to the establishment of the YMCA Technical College, later named Fenn College, which focused on practical and technical training. Fenn's vision laid the groundwork for the creation of Cleveland State University, continuing the mission of providing accessible, practical education to the community.


Community Impact Award

There is no other organization quite like the Y. That's because in more than 10,000 neighborhoods across the nation, we have the presence and partnerships to not just promise, but also deliver, lasting personal and social change. Volunteers are the heart of our organization. Their contributions enrich lives and make it possible to offer programs and services that otherwise would not exist.



Celebrating our shared history

The Y created Founder’s Day to acknowledge the founding of the YMCA in 1844 in London, followed by its establishment in Cleveland in 1854. This year, the 180th anniversary of the YMCA movement and the 170th anniversary of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland, was especially meaningful. 

Celebrated on June 6 at The City Club of Cleveland, the event recognized Cleveland State University and more than a dozen volunteers who have contributed to the Y’s mission of providing comprehensive programs and services that enrich communities — and all the people who live in them. 

Over the past 60 years, the collaboration between our YMCA and CSU has continued to thrive, driven by their common goals. This enduring relationship has fostered an environment where education is accessible to all, particularly working adults seeking to improve their professional skills. The YMCA's historical commitment to education has seamlessly integrated with CSU's mission, creating a legacy of empowerment and social mobility for Cleveland's residents. 

Today, the partnership remains a testament to their shared vision of promoting lifelong learning and community development.




S.P. Fenn Heritage Society

Sereno Peck Fenn served as the President of the Cleveland YMCA from 1892 to 1917. He met Henry Sherwin on a train and struck up a conversation. Sherwin offered him a job, first as a bookkeeper, Fenn later became Secretary/Treasurer, and ultimately VP of Sherwin Williams Company. Upon Fenn’s death, he left a $100,000 bequest to the YMCA’s educational programs, which continues to help the Cleveland YMCA today.

The S.P. Fenn Heritage Society honors those individuals and families who either include the YMCA of Greater Cleveland in their estate plans, or contribute to the Endowment Fund. Members of the Society are recognized and invited to opportunities annually that demonstrate the impact of the Endowment’s transformational work. Since its founding in 1854, the YMCA of Greater Cleveland has been responding to changing community needs. The Endowment Fund ensures that the Y remains relevant and accessible to all for decades into the future.


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