A recent report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) showed an average of 379 children under age 15 die in reported drownings linked to pools or spas each year, with 71 percent happening at residential locations. Another 6,700 children wind up in hospital emergency rooms each year for injuries related to drownings, an equivalent of 18 children per day.
Here in Northeast Ohio, where we border a Great Lake, we believe everyone must have swimming and safety around water lessons. The YMCA has long been America's favorite swimming instructor. Whether learning how to swim, improving strokes, swimming competitively, or taking water exercise classes, members are in safe hands with our certified swimming instructors and lifeguards. Swimming lessons are for people of all ages. We have financial aid for those who qualify.
Learn more about all we have to offer at www.clevelandymca.org/aquatics