Donor Spotlight: The Staff of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland
They say charity begins at home, and that’s true of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland staff. Our staff members know the positions we hold at the Y are much more than jobs. We hire people who are difference-makers. They are changing lives and improving their communities in many, many ways. And they also support their Y financially. This year alone, staff members have contributed more than $35,000 to the Y’s annual campaign, which raises money that helps pay for services like financial aid for those who can’t afford Y memberships and programs.
Why do they give? Phillip Hearne, Aquatics Director, shares his reason. “I give to the annual campaign because of the impact we are able to make with the funds raised. In my position as Aquatics Director, I am able to see firsthand the difference that we are making by offering financial assistance to families who would otherwise not be able to learn to swim.”
While financial support is important for our Y, so is volunteer work in our communities. In addition to ongoing community outreach, like food pantries/distribution centers at several of our branches, our staff members regularly develop clever ways to support their local communities. They collect clothing and other material items for the homeless and addicted at our Y-Haven facility. They support other charities, too, like collecting toys for the Salvation Army. They organize and participate in various events, such as community races, which support many causes. The examples go on and on. And, to support volunteerism across the region, our Y is a member of Business Volunteers Unlimited and posts volunteer opportunities in Greater Cleveland on our website.
We want you to know that when we ask you to give time and treasure to support our Y, we practice what we preach. Remember, you can contribute to our Y anytime through our website. Thank you for being a member and supporting your Y!